CBT-SE- Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy for Supported Employment
The CBT-SE module aims at helping us stop and think about what we are going through before acting upon it. Many new and often unexpected challenges come along when entering or returning to the workplace. This module is built to help you develop skills to better understand and better cope with these challenges, in order to have a positive work experience.
The module is brief – it includes only 8 activities. Each activity is described in this workbook and will be carried out in the same order. Discussions are planned for each activity, as well as paper-pencil time to write down your thoughts and ideas. Confidentiality is compulsory, and we will discuss and vote on group-rules during the first meeting. The workbook also contains practical exercises that can be done at home, between activity sessions and after the end of the group sessions. Booster sessions will be scheduled once every two weeks after the end of the group in order to review concepts learned, or to work specifically on issues encountered at work. Each activity will end with a snack and socialization period.
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En faisant l’achat d’un module de thérapie de groupe, je certifie avoir reçu de la formation en psychothérapie de groupe auprès de personnes présentant un trouble mental grave et que je possède aussi une formation suffisante en thérapie cognitive comportementale pour suivre le manuel d’intervention de groupe. Si je ne vise pas à offrir l’intervention de groupe, les thérapeutes qui offriront l’intervention ont les compétences nécessaires.
Si non, svp contacter la Professeur Tania Lecomte directement au : tania.lecomte@umontreal.ca pour vous informer au sujet des possibilités de recevoir une formation.